Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Snakes

This week when the snow melted small green flower shoots poked out of the ground and the snakes reappeared.

Walking out the front door a small deck leads into a driveway of gray gravel. In the gravel gray snakes sun against the house. Sometimes one will stretch out by itself or with another lying beside it. At other times several will make a pile that resembles large spaghetti. You have to look closely to see which end is the head. Once you’ve focused in on the eyes you can count heads. Then you see the red tongues with black tips flick in and out.

If they get scared several will race each other to make it back under the deck. As it gets warmer they will become lazy in the sun and won’t disappear.

I’ve been researching snakes and think these are Western Terrestrial Garter Snakes.

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