Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer... already

The first of May we see wildlife return in large numbers. All winter our birdfeeder has brought sightings of deer, occasionally elk, and birds. Now they don’t seem to be just passing through, but hanging out.

We’ve had a red fox limping through our yard for several weeks. I started putting out extra birdseed since it couldn’t run.

On May 3rd our red fox appears with two pups in the boys’ rock fort. Justin had named the fox Jessica a couple of days ago and now we know the name fits. We watch the pups chase each other, attack plants and generally have fun. When they see elk they hide behind the rocks, but their heads pop in and out; they are unable to contain their curiosity. The elk sniff the air in what may be recognition, but they don’t seem to care one way or another.

Walking to the mailbox new flowers appear every few days. White, yellow, purple, blue and pink appear most often. Yellow ones contrast against the bright green lichen. Blue bells grow small and delicate at angles. And the pink wild roses hold on effortlessly to the slopes on our cul-de-sac.

Driving by Evergreen Lake the cormorants have returned, sitting on top of the spillway. Behind the spillway is a local bar that now has a full parking lot of motorcycles…. this is truly the sign spring has arrived. They come every weekend throughout the warm weather. Bikers ranging in age from 40 to 80 ride large Harleys. Some have long white beards.

Our world looks different within weeks. The bare dirt and rock left behind by the snow had bright green spots of lichen to start. Then the ground came alive with flowers emerging from the granite. Now animals and people have joined in the celebration.

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