Sunday, October 2, 2011


Saturday, October 1st we take a car trip to Echo Mountain on Mount Evans to see the aspen turning.
Aspen trees intersperse the mountain side in colors of bright yellow and orange. The of aspen to pine varies greatly. The aspen shine as if lit from within. When a breeze moves through them their name, Quacking Aspens (Populus tremuloides), is perfect; they look like moving flames.

Between about 5500 feet and 9500 feet is the Montane Ecosystem
Climbing to 11,000 feet is the Subalpine Ecosystem. In this elevation lies Echo Lake. There is easy access all around the lake and lots of picnic areas so family members of all ages can enjoy fishing, sitting around a table visiting and enjoying the sights.

Kids can wade into the water and capture and release fairy shrimp. And if the weather is warm enough and the kids fast enough there are also plenty of minnows.
In the slightest breeze you can see that the name, Quaking Aspen, is completely appropriate. The leaves flutter; the trees appear alive. The occasional yellow butterfly passing through the leaves which are glowing as if lit from within give the impression the tree is exploding.

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