Monday, November 1, 2010

Is winter coming?

The local ski area we like, Loveland, is open. This weekend if we find equipment at the ski expo we’ll be ready to go.

So far we’ve had snow one day, October 12th, but is was warm and melted as quickly as it covered the trees and grass.

Driving home from Denver you see the Continental Divide covered in white when topping the hill where the buffalo herd live in Genessee. The contrast of snow, periwinkle blue skis, mountains and pines is a ah hah moment. No matter how many times I see the Divide each time awe is the word.

During the day the temperatures are around 60 degrees. With the sun if feels much warmer. At night it drops to freezing and mornings are crisp.

Wonder how many cords of wood we’ll use this winter? We put fans in the floor vents by the wood stove so the basement is no longer a freezer. Ceiling fans and and fans in the halls move the air around keeping the bedrooms warm. I noticed the sound of the fans is light and familiar to the central air we had in Texas. Strange the things I get nostalgic about.

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